Friday 26 October 2018

Chocolate apple barfi

Chocolate Apple burfi
I made this for my kids as kids like sweet...They crave for chocolate. So I made this nutritious by adding apple.

1 big size apple
3 tea spoon dessicated coconut
1-1/2 table spoon Hersey coconut syrup
1/2 cup khoya
1/2 cup sugar or according to taste

1 . Peel and chop apple into small pieces.
2. Now cook chopped apple till it become soft.
3. Now add khoya, dessicated coconut , chocolate syrup.
4. Roast till it become thick.
5. Now add sugar and cook till it become thik.
6. Pour this to greased plate .
7. Cool and cut into desired shape
8. Healthy barfi is ready.

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